Finding all things anew in the New Year …

During this current holiday season, I have enjoyed reading a small booklet by one of my favorite authors, Paula D’Arcy, called Advent: A Time of Hope. The booklet is a compilation of daily Advent devotions. Given that I am reminded often of the reality that Christmas should be a year-long season as opposed to just one day, I plan on continuing to read this book throughout the year.

Perhaps as you prepare to ring in the 2013 New Year, you might enjoy Paula’s “A Christmas Prayer”. As Paula reminds us: “May our prayer rise up like fire and be Light for a troubled world. This we know, Something is trying to be born in us. Take our hand as we set out anew”.


“A Christmas Prayer”/Paula D’Arcy:

WHEN LIFE FORCES US TO WRESTLE with what’s difficult, give us courage.
Teach us that there is purpose in everything we experience, and everything is more than it appears to be.
This world is permeated by your Presence, and is your Presence in form.
May we be drawn to your Voice above the other, competing voices.
Great and Holy one, we pray for Peace.
Take us to the abode of Peace for which all hearts long.

WE PRAY TO FIND STILLNESS WITHIN our busyness, and Rest in the midst of our celebrations and activity.
Show us how to walk more gently, more patiently, on the Earth.
Let Kindness be born within all hearts.
Teach us to draw together as one people.
One humanity.
One heart.
One spirit.
One longing.

Heartache and heartfelt conversations …

In light of the horrible, senseless and unbelievable shooting tragedy in Connecticut, may heartfelt and honest conversations about appropriate gun use and availability spring forth. May we also embark on honest conversations with our children and young people, as parents deem appropriate. -And may we always be mindful of those around us who are troubled and need extra care and concern.

Written in memory of those who died with special prayers for their loved ones and those emergency responders who helped and who continue to help.
